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ISSN: 0976-3953    |    RNI Reg. KERBIL/2006/21323    |   DOI: 10.62705

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img Publish Date: 13-12-2023
DOI : 10.62705/sjrs.2023.01.27

Ethical Leadership and Virtuous Living: Insights from Viduranīti

Raghul Reghu

Received : 11-10-2023 , Approved : 07-12-2023 , Published : 13-12-2023

DOI: 10.62705/sjrs.2023.01.27


The Vedic view of life is based on the idea that man is an integral part of the global family-”Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”. This epithet is the hallmark of the cultural attitude and it holds relevance for the smooth survival of the Universe. This message of universal brotherhood, along with keeping alive the ethical measures of living, can be found in our ancient literature. Our ancient texts, especially Mahabharata , foster the idea of good governance, ethics ,discipline, behaviour ,cognitive learning and observation. These management techniques depicted in Mahabharata is a process of aligning people and are essential for an organized life. The novel concepts of being ethical, moral and socially responsible is discussed widely in Viduraniti. Strategy and leadership, team spirit,excellence in governance, are some of the techniques used in Viduraniti. This paper is a humbly attempt to revisit the pedagogy of our ancient literature and the management of crucial situations in life.

Mahābhārata, Viduranīti, Management techniques, Ancient texts, Ethics, Strategy and leadership

Co Authors



Ethics or नीति as applied in management science, is called management ethics. The etymological meaning of the term नीति is the moral principles or codes of conduct. Ethics is based on certain values in life. Human values like truthfulness, honesty, friendship, vision of equality are the most important management ethics. There was a long tradition of ethics or moral science in ancient India. Among them, Mahabharata,the great epic, occupies a special position.  In the view of Lokamanya Tilak, this is not only an Ithihasa or epic, but a great Arshakavya.आर्षं महाकाव्यम् । The authorship of this great Kavya is attributed to Vedavyasa who goes also by other names Badarayana, Krishnadwaipayana, Parasarya, and Satyavatisuta. The expression Vyasa might denote a mere title as one who has arranged the Vedas instead of the real name of the author. 
Mahabharata is not just an epic, it contains information on various historical and philosophical incidents. This is a classic work on war sciences,and goes through diplomatic negotiations. More than anything else, it is the name of a textbook of management from where the greatest books of management have taken cues to be formed. The scholars opined that what was contained elsewhere can all be found in the Mahabharata but what was found in Mahabharata cannot be found elsewhere. Such is the content of this enormous vast epic.The central theme of this epic is the war between two branches of the royal dynasty of Kurus. Around this central theme is woven many an episode, touching on almost every aspect of human welfare. Of these,the most important are Viduraniti, the moral advice of Vidura to Dhritarashtra and Bhagavadgita.

Literature Review

Scholars have explored the ethical teachings of Vidura and similar ancient texts, examining their implications for contemporary leadership theories and practices. Additionally, research has delved into the cultural and philosophical contexts of these texts, shedding light on the societal values and norms that underpin their ethical precepts. Studies have also investigated the practical applications of Viduraniti's teachings in modern organizational settings, exploring how ethical leadership can foster trust, collaboration, and organizational effectiveness. Furthermore, scholars have examined the intersection of ethics and leadership in various cultural contexts, highlighting the universal principles of virtue and integrity that transcend geographical and temporal boundaries. Through these previous studies, a rich body of knowledge has emerged, offering valuable lessons and guidance for leaders striving to cultivate ethical leadership and virtuous living in today's complex world.

Statement of the Research Problem

The research problem addressed in this article pertains to the examination of Viduraniti's ethical teachings and their relevance to contemporary leadership practices. It aims to explore how the virtues outlined in Viduraniti, such as wisdom, humility, and respect, can inform and enrich modern leadership theories and organizational management strategies. Additionally, the study seeks to investigate the practical implications of incorporating Viduraniti's ethical principles into leadership development programs and organizational culture, with a focus on promoting ethical conduct, trust, and sustainability in today's dynamic work environments.


The research problem addressed in this article pertains to the examination of Viduraniti's ethical teachings and their relevance to contemporary leadership practices. It aims to explore how the virtues outlined in Viduraniti, such as wisdom, humility, and respect, can inform and enrich modern leadership theories and organizational management strategies. Additionally, the study seeks to investigate the practical implications of incorporating Viduraniti's ethical principles into leadership development programs and organizational culture, with a focus on promoting ethical conduct, trust, and sustainability in today's dynamic work environments.

Analysis and Discussion

Pedagogy of Vidura
A man of moral consciousness will not deviate from his path of dharma or righteousness and he becomes an epithet of Dharma. Dharma is the underpinning of management techniques and Viduraniti scrutinizes what is the best way for humans to live, and what kinds of actions are right or wrong.The Vidura Neeti is a treatise on understanding how to manage any sector in a novel way of perfect communication, ethical interpretation of opportunities, satisfaction and, very importantly, managing the various resources. But Viduraniti was given as a valuable piece of advice to the blind king Dhritarashtra by his minister, Vidura. Thus, Viduraniti is a source of management science for today and strategic management of any organization.
"आनृशंस्यादनुकोशाद् धर्मात्सत्यात्पराक्रमात् ।
गुरुत्वात्त्वयि संप्रेक्ष्य  बहून् क्लेशांस्तितिक्षते" ॥

Viduraniti attempts to open up the significance of three essential aspects in life – patience, compassion and respect. The life of Dharmaputra teaches the essence of all of the three important characteristics. These characteristics directly can be applied to modern day leadership and management theories too. An eminent leader in any domain would have these three characteristics imbibed in him or her. First of all, patience is extremely important for a leader. If the leader has the patience, he is able to analyze the given situation and understand the problems. A good leader should be emotionally stable and he have the ability to overcome problems and take decisions. 

The instructions of Vidura are life-touching and implementation of  such teachings in life, will lead to success. Viduranithi says that it is good to stay away from carelessness, laziness, anger, immorality, drug addicts, greedy people, fearful and lustful people. Those who associate with such people will face difficulties in life and will never achieve success.Viduranithi tells how the misuse of earned money. The first misuse of money is to give money to the wicked or those who don't need it and secondly to the deserving even when it is needed.  In Viduraniti, two types of people are mentioned. Those two types of people are strong yet forgiving and poor yet charitable. The place of such is above heaven.A person with these qualities is worthy of praise. Viduraniti has mentioned eight qualities. A person with such qualities deserves praise.

A person who possesses eight virtues such as wisdom, politeness, soft-spokenness, knowledge, vigor, low-spokenness, remembers the favor of others, and gives charity is always worthy of praise. Vidura believed that a person who speaks sweetly is respected everywhere and gets a lot of respect and dignity. At the same time, no one asks anything of a person who speaks bitterly and jealously. Sometimes anger comes out in certain situations and control yourself in such situation. Vidura describes how the king should be well equipped with noble qualities like control of the senses and good conduct. He emphasises the importance of soft words and the necessity of  respect for elders. It is very important for a person to stay humble to stay successful. He believed that it is one thing to achieve success and another to stick to success. According to Vidura, only a man of noble conduct can attain success and remain in it for a long time. Anyway, this discourse of Vidura advice on how to manage life principles and describes the necessity of a virtuous life freed from all passions. 


Finding and Conclusions

The Mahabharata is well-known for its immensely useful section on Viduraniti, an ethical philosophy told through a discussion. Codes of conduct, appropriate behavior in various contexts, the difference between Dharma and Adharma, right and evil, and morality and immorality are all explained by Vidura. In Udyogaparva of the Mahabharata, Vidura and King Dhritarashtra engage in a deep discussion about Dharmasastra and politics. The foundation of our great culture is the Sanatana dharma. This Viduraniti clearly highlights the revolutionary philosophy of universal brotherhood and management techniques. Thus, the impact and results of the research of Viduaniti are unquestionably exceptional and unparalleled in the current hemisphere.

End Notes


1 ,   ,  

2 Gupta, A,   Cambridge University Press,   2019

3 Sharma, R. K,   Oxford University Press,   2020