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ISSN: 0976-3953    |    RNI Reg. KERBIL/2006/21323    |   DOI: 10.62705

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img Publish Date: 13-12-2023
DOI : 10.62705/sjrs.2023.01.26

An observation of Diagnosis of Elephant diseases in Hastyāyurvada

Ajilkumar N. S

Received : 06-10-2023 , Approved : 07-12-2023 , Published : 13-12-2023

DOI: 10.62705/sjrs.2023.01.26


Elephants are currently employed in Kerala for religious ceremonies, festivals, processions, transportation, and other events. Elephant Ayurveda, or Hastyāyurvada, is a vital resource for understanding our culture and customs. This work explains elephant illnesses and treatments. Elephants have been used for more than three millennia in many different contexts, from worship to warfare. Every significant Indian king's army was normally divided into four sections. Thus, the group was dubbed the "Chathuranga Sena," which translates to "four-armed army." The elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry made up the four "arms." Elephants, then, were an essential component of a conventional army and served presumably as tanks do in the current armed forces. In his Arthasasthra, Kautilya states that a king's primary means of winning battles is with elephants. They can perform things in combat with their massive bulk that pose a threat to the other military branches. They are capable of demolishing encampments, battle arrays, foot soldiers, and forts.  These days, poor cleanliness, insufficient relaxation and sleep, and inadequate medical care and medicines are all contributing factors to the deaths of many elephants. This is the importance of studying elephant Ayurveda, or Hastyāyurvada, and this work provides answers to all these issues.

Hastyāyurvada, Ayurveda, Sanskrit technical literature, Indian elephantology, Indian Zoology, Indian veterinary science

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Elephants are vital to monarchs because of their strategic role in warfare, and as a result, a wealth of literature on elephant training, capture, and other areas of elephant husbandry has been produced. In Sanskrit During that time, a significant amount of Sanskrit-language literature about elephants was written, including hastyayurveda, matangaleela, and gajasastra. The most significant of them, Hastyayurveda, has 12,000 poems that cover every aspect of elephantology.  The study, which spans more than seventy-two chapters, addresses elephant anatomy and various pathologies in a methodical manner, classifying the subjects into appropriate groups.The precise translation of the term is "the Ayurveda of hasthi the elephant," or "the life science of elephant."  It goes by the name Palakappyam as a result. The text of Hastyayurveda is a dialogue between Saint Palakapya and King Ramapada.

Literature Review

Sanskrit texts on elephantology encompass a diverse range of subjects, from the playful observations of elephant behavior in "Matanga Lila" to the practical knowledge of their anatomy and medicinal uses in "Hastividyarnava." "Gajashastra" offers detailed guidance on the training and management of these majestic creatures, while "Ankalaparichchheda" provides a scholarly analysis of their physical measurements and proportions. Through "Hastijivitam," elephants are revered not only for their physical attributes but also for their significance in Hindu mythology and culture, highlighting their integral role in rituals, folklore, and religious symbolism. Together, these texts provide a comprehensive understanding of elephants, blending scientific inquiry, practical wisdom, and cultural reverence.

Statement of the Research Problem

In exploring the methodology of Elephant disease diagnosis in Hastyāyurveda, the research problem lies in deciphering the ancient texts' intricate diagnostic techniques amidst the challenges of interpretation and application in contemporary practices


The methodology involves a comprehensive literature review of classical Ayurvedic texts pertaining to elephant health. A fundamental critical approach has been taken place to identify patterns and correlations between symptoms and underlying conditions, contributing to a holistic understanding of elephant health in the context of Hastyāyurveda

Analysis and Discussion

Legacy of Indian Elephantology
The main point made by Palakapya is the significance of the elephant, which is why all monarchs kept elephants as prized pets. In ancient days, the elephant served as a vital instrument for both royal civic labor and the army. One entire chapter in the Hastyayurveda has been devoted to discussing the significance of elephants. They have been referred to as Vajra for many kinds of labor as well as in combat. Out of six thousand horses, only one elephant can win.Elephants are the only comparison that can be made to destroy the enemy army. According to Hastyayurveda, the elephant is an Army adornment. नराणां भूषणं विद्या सैन्यानां भूषणं गजः।
When it comes to elephant knowledge, the most fundamental and excellent text is Hastyayurveda. The treatise is a long collection that begins with a mythical preface that states the sage disclosed it to King Dasharathan in the Ramayana. According to the story, Sage Palakapya established his own hermitage at the meeting point of the Brahmaputra River and the ocean. He was the son of a human sage and an elephant mother. It is stated that the sage's gotra is "Kapya."The tribal name is 'Kapya'. He grew up with elephants. 'Kapi' became synonymous with elephant as a result. "The Dravidian term "pala" would also come to be synonymous with "elephant." The appropriate treatise on treating and managing elephant ailments is called Hastyayurveda, or Hasti-ayurveda. Hastyayurveda covers a wide range of subjects, including the genetic, physical, mental, and intellectual characteristics of elephants, how to find and catch them in forests, how to feed them for a healthy growth and general maintenance, how to tame and train them for labor and warfare, how to classify elephants according to various attributes, and how to diagnose and treat diseases in elephants.
Structure of the text
In Hastyaurveda, Maharogasthana is the first part. As the name indicates, it describes some disease like jwara (fever) siroroga, sweda, and disorders of the eyes. The second sthana known as kshudrarogasthana, elaborately describes the poisons caused by serpents, causes of vomition, tooth diseases, heart diseases and garatrogas etc. Shalyaroghasthana is the third part which describes kshatas, deep wounds, vrianas, disorders of nerves, important nucleus parts and its kshatas, pregnancy and affected diseases, abortion etc. Uttararogasthana is the last part, which explains the topics like snehapana, snehapanavidhikathana, annapanakathana, snehapanakthana, Shalavidhana, must various seasons, seasonal food items and other treatments etc. These are the four sthanas or parts of Hastyayurveda and again each of the sthana is divided into chapters.     
Diseases and preventive measures
The illnesses are referred to as Agantuka and Adhyatmik in Hinduism. Palakapya has listed several other types of elephant ailments in addition to this one.Elephants in the wild have distinct eating habits. They consume everything that grows in the forest, particularly the bushes and trees. Palkapya has described these elephant behaviors under various rithus. The lifestyles of wild and domestic elephants are not the same. Elephants require special attention, which is why Palkapya has suggested several daily formulations to maintain Agni and the other physiological processes of an elephant in a normal state. An elephant needs a frequent bath since it has an environment where it may spend time in rivers, ponds, etc. A pet elephant does not have access to such a setting.
Palkapya claims that since water is essential to an elephant's life—whether it be in the wild or as a pet—enough plans must be put in place to ensure that the elephants have access to it. For elephants, water is a full medication. Without water, Vata may rise and may be the source of several major illnesses in elephants, as stated by Palakapya.
When it comes to treating the numerous toxic effects of snakes, insects, metals, and minerals, among other things, hastyayurveda plays a significant part. He has also suggested a number of plants that are used to cure poisoning. The Hastayurvedic treatment of snakebite also mentions a variety of symptoms and indicators. Paada Roga focuses on foot illnesses or conditions that elephants may encounter. Elephants can experience a variety of foot conditions that can significantly affect their movement, comfort, and general health, much as humans can.  Elephants' enormous size and weight make them susceptible to a variety of foot-related issues. Paada Roga treats a variety of common foot conditions, such as fissures and cracks, abscesses, ingrown nails, and foot ulcers.
Netra Roga in Hastyayurveda involves the study of eye diseases specific to elephants. The eyes are vital sensory organs for elephants as they navigate their surroundings, interact with other elephants, and engage in daily activities. Just like any other living being, elephants are susceptible to a range of eye disorders that can affect their vision and well-being. 
Common Netra Roga in Elephants are-
Vataja Netra Roga: These are eye diseases caused primarily by the imbalance of the Vata dosha. Conditions like dry eyes, excessive tearing, and eye strain can fall under this category.
Pittaja Netra Roga: Imbalance of the Pitta dosha can lead to conditions like conjunctivitis, characterized by redness, itching, and discharge from the eyes.
Kaphaja Netra Roga: An imbalance of the Kapha dosha can result in conditions like cataracts, where there is clouding of the eye's lens, leading to impaired vision.
Rakta Netra Roga: Rakta dosha involvement can lead to eye diseases characterized by redness, inflammation, and bleeding.
Diagnosis and Treatment
According to Hastyayurveda, elephant foot problems are diagnosed by carefully examining the foot that is afflicted, taking into account the condition's nature and the elephant's general health. Experts in Ayurveda use their understanding of minerals, herbs, and conventional therapies to cure these conditions. Elephant health is preserved with preventative practices that are also emphasized by hastyayurveda. First, to avoid bacterial or fungal diseases, elephants' feet should be cleaned and dried on a regular basis through good hygiene.Next, quick treatment of minor injuries, routine examinations, and appropriate nail clipping.The third is a wholesome atmosphere.
Netra Roga in elephants can be diagnosed by Hastyayurveda based on meticulous observation and visual inspection, together with the identification of dosha imbalances that may be the cause of the ailment. Experts in Hastyayurveda use their knowledge of herbs, treatments, and techniques to treat a variety of eye diseases. These are Anjana, Netra Tarpana, and Dietary Adjustments. Hastyayurveda also places a strong emphasis on preventative treatment to maintain the health of elephants' eyes. To prevent debris and waste from invading the eyes, the first step is hygiene, or frequent eye cleaning. Secondly, reducing the risk of ocular diseases by establishing an environment that is appropriate and clean for elephants. and provide a nutrient-rich diet that promotes overall health and eye health

Finding and Conclusions

Elephant's sickness research received a lot of interest in ancient India. Elephants are seen as an essential component of Indian society and customs. As a result, Hastyayurveda and Matangalila, the foundation of the Elephant study, were created by ancient Bharat instructors. This book includes all the important guidelines for the training, care, and healthy growing of elephants as well as the categorization of elephants according to certain attributes. In any case, the earliest and most important Sanskrit book on the preservation of elephants is this treatise on elephant breeds and the diagnosis and treatment of elephant sickness. This paper tries to emphasize the need of protecting our ecology and cultural legacy while illuminating the peaceful coexistence of humans and nature.

End Notes


1 Prof.Dr.Subhash Ranade and Dr. Rajendradeshpande,   Motilal Banarasidas,   2006

2 K.Vijayalakshmi and K.M Shyam Sundar,   LSPSS Monograph No.9,   1993

3 Prof. Surendranath Das Gupta,   Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series,   2014

4 Susruta,   Forgotten Books,   1907

5 Homi JH Aleyarkhan,   Bharatiya Vidyabhavan, Bombay,   1986


6 Hastyāyurvada,   2023-12-10,   chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/