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ISSN: 0976-3953    |    RNI Reg. KERBIL/2006/21323    |   DOI: 10.62705

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Original Study | Published: December 07, 2023
Reviewing agricultural insights of Kṛṣiparāśara for sustainable farming and conservation"
Manju V Kumar
DOI: 10.62705/sjrs.2023.01.29

Farming and conservation of natural resources are inevitable subjects and these are the cardinal concepts in the development of a nation.The current state of affairs is quite dire, and it is against this backdrop that we must consider the immense and exceptional wealth of the Vedas, whose teachings offer perceptive and insightful judgments on every field of study. Krisiparasara, one of the agricultural books, highlights the potential and adaptability of ancient Indian farming practices.  


Agricultural practices, Kṛṣiparāśara, Farming, Conservation, Natural resources, Development, Nation, Vedas, Teachings, Ancient Indian farming

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img © 2020,Manju V Kumar

img How to cite this article: Manju V Kumar (2021).   Reviewing agricultural insights of Kṛṣiparāśara for sustainable farming and conservation",   17 (1) DOI:

img Received: November 12, 2023; Accepted: December 07, 2023;
Responding Author Information
Manju V Kumar,
Article Overview
ISSN 2348-5396    DOI: 10.62705/sjrs.2023.01.29    Download: 376    View: 1
Published in Volume 17, Issue 1, OCTOBER - DECEMBER, 2023